Rules are mandatory for all players, monitors their compliance Server Administration. The punishment for breaking the rules as defined by them, depending on the violation, up to a full ban of the player without the possibility of amnesty. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse!
1. The rights and responsibilities of the parties
1.1. The administration reserves the right to make any changes to the server without prior notification of the players.
1.2. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse for violating them. Confirm your registration on the server, you automatically agree with the rules.
1.3. All players need to independently monitor the changes in the rules.
1.4. Administration of the server is not liable for any damage suffered as a result of playing on this server.
1.5. The Administration is not responsible for the temporary or permanent inability to play on the server by a specific person or group of persons.
1.6. Administration reserves the right at any time without giving any reason, terminate your access to the server to a specific user or subnetwork as a whole.
1.7. The Administration is not required to make the return items, accounts, characters or their parameters lost players for any possible reason.
1.8. In the event of a server crashes, the Administration is taking the necessary steps to improve its capacity in the shortest possible time.
1.9. Players are required to comply with the requirements and regulations of the Administration Agreement.
1.10. Responsibility of the owner of the account, regardless of who committed the action under this account.
1.11. All players are required to monitor themselves lack prohibited software.
1.12. In case of violation in respect of any member in this agreement or other players GM'om service user has the right to file a complaint, providing evidence of a breach.
1.13. Accounts and all their contents are the property of the Administration Server.
1.14. It is forbidden to argue and challenge the actions of the administration.
1.15. The administration reserves the right to delete characters and the account is not used for more than 60 days.
1.16. Administration reserves the right to monitor and intervene in the gameplay in any case where it deems it necessary.
1.17. The administration reserves the right not to investigate cases of burglary characters.
1.18. Administration does not bear any responsibility for items lost as a result of divorce.
1.19. When a violation of any rules, the administration chooses itself the punishment awarded to any player for any reason.
1.20. The administration reserves the right to change the set of rules with no reason and the purpose of these changes.
1.21. Players are required to promptly inform the administration about found bugs and irregularities.
2. Interaction with the administration server
2.1. It is forbidden to contact the Administration Server unless absolutely necessary. Any reference to the Administration must contain a clear statement of the problem of the player or question regarding the actual work of the server.
2.2. Prohibited disrespect to the Administration Server.
2.3. Prohibited threats, pleas, etc. to the Administration Server on the forum and in the game.
2.4. Attack GM's prohibited without their prior consent.
2.5. Forbidden to interfere with the work GM's.
2.6. Prohibited wrangling with GM's and challenging his actions.
2.7. Prohibited Party, Friend, Clan, Ally or Trade inquiry GM without his prior consent.
2.8. Denied cheating administration.
2.9. Prohibited publication of interviews with GM or their contents without prior approval.
2.10. It is forbidden to annoy (re-post more than once every two days) GM requests to cancel the penalty imposed
2.11. It is forbidden to discuss the penalty imposed GM
2.12. GM do not interfere with gameplay, except in cases of violation of the rules, planned activities and ongoing work.
2.13. When you are in close proximity to you GM should suspend all military operations, especially if they are directed against the character, near which there was a representative of the administration.
2.14. If any problems, the player has the right to file a complaint with e-mail addresses, providing evidence of a breach (screenshots, movies)
2.15. It is forbidden to spread rumors and slander about the server and the Administration.
2.16. Prohibited wrangling with GM and challenging his actions.
2.17. In some cases, the GM decides on the punishment, which is also non-negotiable.
3. Using programs and gameplay
3.1. It is forbidden to use the software, as well as to disseminate information about it emulates the presence of the player in the game or disrupt the normal functioning of the server software. By these means the program, change the client or replacing it, and modifying or facilitate the gameplay does not play methods.
3.2. Prohibited unauthorized access to someone else's game account.
3.3. Prohibited in any threat to other players, if the threat is not part of roleplay.
3.4. Not allowed to send in the general chat messages violate the laws of Russia, Ukraine
3.5. It is forbidden to buy or sell for real money, as well as equal to them "electronic means of payment» (WebMoney, YandexDengi, etc.), any game items (Aden, weapons, armor, resources, etc). Sale of game characters and (or) accounts is prohibited in any form, for any gaming and non-gaming value. Allowed to mention or discussion of such transactions to the game on the forum, as well as third-party resources.
3.6. Prohibited communication between servers any game things (Adena, weapons, armor, resources, etc.). Exchange game characters and (or) accounts is prohibited in any form, including within the same server. Allowed to mention or discussion of such transactions to the game on the forum, as well as third-party resources.
3.7. It is forbidden to directly or indirectly advertise other online games.
3.8. It is forbidden to publish the contents of personal interviews (in private) to anyone without the prior consent (exception - report a policy violation by another player).
3.9. Directly or indirectly advertise sexual services and / or materials of erotic (pornographic) nature.
3.10. Prohibited any manifestations of racism and nationalism.
3.11. Prohibited the use of symbols in clan wars posters clans and alliances (This introduces players astray in mass wars).
3.12. Forbidden to create situations in which the players can not distinguish NPC without using the / target {name}
3.13. Forbidden to create situations in which the players can not pass through the arches, narrow passages, etc.
4. The use of server errors, bugs and cheats
4.1. Prohibited the use of server errors and server software, bugs and cheats.
4.2. Banned server scan for bugs and cheats.
4.3. Killing monsters when they can not hit a player for a reason caused by the way not provided for the game.
4.4. It is forbidden to distribute information about server errors and server software for bugs and cheats.
5. Conversation and naming
5.1. Flooding is prohibited in public places. Messages about buying, selling and exchange are permitted only in trade and hero chats, no more than one message every 60 seconds.
5.2. It is strictly forbidden to use profanity and insult players in the game and on the forum.
5.3. Inadmissible clan names, abbreviations clans insult other players or simply vulgar language. In the case of the Clans was disbanded, and the clan leader's account is locked. Prohibited names offending other players or simply vulgar language.
5.4. When creating a character forbidden to give him a name that is reserved words: GM, Administrator and the names of the administration, as used previously and real.
5.5. It is forbidden to impersonate Administration or trustee administration.
6. Keeping trade and relations between players
6.1. Prohibited any fraudulent activities conducted for the purpose of obtaining money or property of another player.
6.2. It is forbidden to use the flaws of the game in the conduct of trade, as the similarity of textures, delete things in trading, etc.
6.3. Prohibited from trading in the places where it can bring to inconvenience other players (arches, narrow passages)
6.4. The Administration does not return items lost during skidyvanie on the ground!
7. Recommendations
7.1. Be correct in their interaction with other players and the GM.
7.2. Promptly report server administration on deficiencies found.
7.3. When accessing the administration is not necessary greetings, questions, "are you here?", "You can ask a question?", "Can refer to?" and other things not related to the case, go directly to your topic of interest.
7.4. Try to write at a linguistically correct language.
8. Rules GM's & Supports
9.1. It is forbidden to artificially raise the level, as well as any other parameter of the same or any other game character. Except in cases requiring it (for example, testing bug holding the event period, etc.).
9.2. It is forbidden to create and participate in clans, even if joining a clan will be minute.
9.3. Prohibited from violating the gameplay: the transfer of gaming things in any way, items, help in upgrading etc (exceptions may be during Eventov, weddings or testing, and only with the concurrence of the chief GMom).
9.4. Forbidden to enter the group (not even for the purpose of leveling the players), if that is not required by the circumstances.
9.5. Prohibited harassment / humiliation players.
9.6. It is forbidden to use the law to take advantage of the GM.
9.7. It is forbidden to teleport players without their consent, except in cases of violation of the rules.
9.8. Do not induce in a peaceful area of monsters without the consent of the chief of the GM.
9.9. Prohibited deliberate knock-out of certain items from mobs.
9.10. Prohibited from making various unsubstantiated defamatory remarks against the players of the server.
9.11. Not interfere in any game situation, if they do not violate the rules of the server.
Prescribed range of penalties
Ban chat
Changing the parameters of the character
Removal of all or part of the inventory of the character
Ban account
Ban character
Ban IP-addresses, and in exceptional cases, an entire subnet
Deprivation character honorary title Nobless or Hero
Deprivation Clan Clanhall
Deprivation of the Clan Castle
On all matters relating to the gameplay, you should contact the appropriate section of the forum.
If you violate any of the rules, the administration reserves the right to choose the punishment at their discretion.
Administration of the server is taking all possible measures to ensure account security. But the players themselves have to take care of their security. Use alphanumeric passwords at least 8 characters. Do not tell anyone your password, experience shows that the majority of break-ins make friends. GMs and healer classes will never ask your password. Remember, the administration does not return items lost due to hacking. Hacked accounts are banned forever.
CHROMIS IT LTD (Registration number 15102301) 124, City Road London, EC1V 2NX, UNITED KINGDOM